Genta Plus

Genta Plus

Порошок, vodorastvorimыy


Состав / г

gentamicin sulfate 200 мг

Доксициклин HCl 200 мг

Pharmacological properties: This combination of two broad-spectrum antibiotics , которые очень эффективны для различных бактерий Гр + и Гр – .

  • Gentamicin is poorly absorbed in the gut, thus achieving a high local concentration of antibiotic in the intestine, which also leads to a high efficiency in infectious enteritis.
  • Doxycycline is rapidly absorbed in the intestine and excreted slowly. This is a safe treatment, even in cases with renal insufficiency.


  • Prophylaxis and Therapy of primary and secondary bacterial infections of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract infections : насморк , микоплазмоз , синусит, синовит, коли-инфекция , холера , сальмонеллез, некротический энтерит, энтерит , bloody flux , dysentery.
  • Reducing the primary mortality ( for bacterial infections ) in newly hatched chicks in the first days of life

Способ применения и дозы


  • Птицы : 50c / 200 liters of water for 3-5 дней непрерывно.
  • Свиньи: 100c / 200 liters of water for 3-5 days .


Half dose for 3-5 days


Не рекомендуется для яичных курей.

Период ожидания

Мясо 14 days

Incompatibility with other drugs or substances :

Not combined with potentially nephrotoxic or muscle paralyzing drug.

Side effects :

Damage to the kidneys and / or ototoxicity , hypersensitivity reactions , such as gastrointestinal disorders, or changes in the intestinal flora .


Hypersensitivity to the amino- glycosides and / or tetracycline. Do not use in animals with renal dysfunction , vestibular problem , visual impairment or hepatic dysfunction.


Хранить при 15 -30C in a dry, защищенном от света месте. Беречь от замерзания.

Для применения в ветеринарии .

After dissolution in water is used for 24 hours.

storage life:

3 года с даты производства.

Производитель: Vapco , Иордания